Monday 4 February 2013

Horror Review - Final Destination 3

Final Destination 3 (2006)

I went expecting what I got, Final Destination 3. It rocked! I loved the first two and saw them at the cinema, so naturally I had to see this one there too. Same plot, well what did you expect really this is a trilogy? OK, so you know that someone sees them die, doesn't die, people die the end. What you don't know is how people are going to die, what twists will they put in, will they then try to forever escape death or try to end it? It had the usual teen movie stereotypes; the perfect couple, the nearly perfect couple, jock, Goth's and preppy Vally girls. You know as soon as it starts the perfect couple will split, the nearly perfect couple the girl is gonna dump the apparently chauvinistic guys ass and he wants to marry her, the valley girls don't have one braincell between them and that the sister, that shouldn't be there, the sibling rivalry will be broken, bonds made then it will come back into play later, then bonds remade.

The CGI of the ball in the machine dropping between fate, luck and other things before falling into death was a good touch. I loved the way they sped up and slowed down the movement of the rides in the park it just added a more sinister touch especially with the way peoples screams fade in and out, like you hear on those rides that go round and round.

It final destination people was expecting the third one to be boring and have a terrible plot like the first two but this was not the case. When reading this review the person said that this was a good film and used the horror conventions very well. Although it had numbers of characters in it, it still had the main roles of the jock, final girl, and creepy people. A lot of people agree that they did not expect that ending, this was a good thing because it gave the thrill back in the final destinations. As well as going against the horror conventions, they also did use the stereotypical teen roles.

When watching this film they do use different effects to make the film look better. When they use the speed up and slow down effects when someone is being killed, this is a good thing because it gives people the thrill to see what is happening.

Also the sound effect of the screams is very good because, it is a sound what can stick in your head. When using this distinctive sound this means they can use it in all of the Final Destinations to make it as someone there to make people remember what it is about. Finally at the beginning of the film when they are on the ride, the sounds are very significant because you can hear a faded sound of people screams which gives the horror audience a thrill.

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