Monday 4 February 2013

Horror Review - The Ring

The ring (2012)

I must say that I consider myself to be a lover of horror, but much too often, sex and gore is substituted for real horror and you don't get that feeling of genuine fear in the pit of your stomach. Not so with "The Ring". Never have I seen a film that has affected me so.
The images seem to tug at your subconscious, at the dark things we keep inside. I haven't been able to close my eyes without replaying bits of the film behind my eyelids. I have slept with the light on since I've seen it, and we can't stop talking about it. Hands down, it was the best, the scariest, the creepiest, and the most intense horror film ever.
The audience in the theatre all gripped their armrests, breathed heavily and felt everything the characters were experiencing. It was excellent! But beware.... don't expect to leave "The Ring" in the movie theatre; it will certainly be with you for a long time.  (IMDB)

From the review it shows that the ring is a good film and it follows some of the horror conventions. For example The Ring uses the stereotypical ‘creepy’ kid to add tension and to make the audience feel more freaked out. From this review the person has said that ring also have gone against the conventions of the horror film and used psychological and not gore and sex. Most people who watch horror films start to feel that sex and gore are over rated and that they use it to much. Recently in horror films people don’t get scared any more they become bored and just find the film lame. On the other hand this person says that ring is a change in the positive direction and they have put a new twist on the horror films and made it new and an actual horror.
This person has says that this is the best and most intense horror film he has seen in a while. This person in this horror film didn’t mention the original ring film which was called ‘Ringu’ most people believe this to be the scarier film of the two. Many reviews I have read have said that this is the ‘psychological positive turn’.
In the ring they use an isolated location to add to the tension, but on the other hand they do use the city as well which then shows when they are in the isolated location they know that something bad will happen, it is like the negative chain of events which will happen. Additionally half way through the film there are parts set in an abandoned island and mental hospital this is what brings the most horror atmosphere to the scene.
The fact that the film Ring has the film which shows iconography, throughout the film they keep returning to the video and how whatever happens in the film will happen to you. At first the people don’t understand the video but after the lead final girl goes searching she finds out what it is about.
The characters in The Ring show the film following the horror conventions. The have the final girl, the creepy kid, the man, the kids who get killed start away (the first girl to get killed shows us as her being the stereotypical dumb teen).  In this film they have two creepy kids at first you have the son who is strange and very odd to other children his age. Then of course you have the girl who had been trapped away because she was weird.

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