Saturday 12 January 2013

Second Draft of Horror Script - Media

Silent Death

(Setting – In the edging of the woods about to walk in) 

Laura - What the hell do you need that camera for? 
Gemma - For my blog, I like to share my moments in my life with the world. 
Laura - Ehhh, Get a life you’re so stupid. 
Gemma - If I was stupid I wouldn’t know how to use this camera but you can’t really call me stupid as you don’t know much yourself do you? 
Jodie - Can you two shut up; you’re both doing my head in, just get along for once in your life.(Changes subject) don’t you think it looks scary down here in the woods? 
Laura - (teasing Jodie) well did you hear about that mystery book that curses people and that day they die! 
Jason - Shut up Laura, there isn’t a book in the woods that could kill you, that’s why there are horror films to scare people and make them think like idiots like you! 
Laura - Well someone has died in these woods before. 
Jason - just drop it, we don’t want to hear about it. (Further in the middle of the woods, near an opening of where the book is) 
Becky - What’s through here? 
Laura - (teasing Becky) your early grave! (Laughing) 
Becky - Well you’ll be first to die anyway. 
Jason - No always the Slag dies first. (Teasing Laura) (Walking in the Area with book hidden) 
Gemma - What’s that over there? (Aiming camera at Bright designer bag) (Jodie picks up the bag and looks) 
Jodie - nice bag! There’s a book inside, looks kind of old though. 
Jason - pass it here (Jodie passes him the old book) well it is old! Look at the writing (Jodie looks at the book) I think its someone’s old diary. 
Laura - What a coincidence. I told you about that book! I told you its all real; well at least I’m not dumb like all you lot. 
Gemma - You’re clearly mistaken! (Laughs) were all smarter than you. So do us a favour and shut up!  
Jason - Erm! Guys!! There's an old picture! Look! 
Jodie - Oh wait that’s the Bridge over there (points towards bridge)
Gemma - well what do you know… an old diary of a dead man? What’s his name anyway? 
Jason - Greg Death Silent. 
Laura - what sort of name is that? 
Becky - well a name that’s better than yours anyway. What’s it about? 
Jason - well from looking at some words, it’s about some kind of evil spirit, how weird! 
Jodie - Devil? 
Gemma - do you think it’s still around today? (Laughs) well we know whose gunna die first then don’t we? (Points camera towards Laura). 
Jason - We need to leave! 
Jodie - Why do we need to leave? 
Jason - I got a bad feeling about this book. I just read a line saying ‘thee who lay hands on this cursed book will perish and suffer pain’. 
Gemma - well after hearing that I do want to leave I think it’s best if we put it back where it came from and go!! 

(Gemma turn around with camera and see leo (Villian) coming to kill her and then cut scene) 

we have changed the script now because we were worried it was going to run over the 2 minutes time limit also, we took out the death at the end because we want to build the tension but not give everything away. We were worried that it would seem like a 2 minute horror film rather than a 2 minute opening to a horror film. This is our second draft. 

We still might cut it down because we are worried that there is too much detail. 

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